Our Collection Release Timeline

A Commitment to Transparency and Continuous Evolution

At SHBA MOVEMENT, our core is defined by an unwavering commitment to transparency. Our journey, which kicked off in late 2023, thrives on a distinct iterative release approach. This method is not just a strategy; it’s our pledge to stay honest and responsive to the athletes who wear our gear.

Month-By-Month Mastery: Our Iterative Release Story

Since our inception, we’ve unrolled new collections monthly, ensuring our offerings are fresh and aligned with real-time feedback. Each release, from the stealthy minimal shorts to the sleek HydroFlex hats, is infused with insights from our most critical stakeholders—our customers.

Your Voice, Our Blueprint: Upcoming Collections

The 2024 Collection Release Timeline is more than a schedule; it’s a promise of inclusivity in our design process. As we approach the exciting unveilings slated for May and June, remember: each product iteration stems from your valued input, ensuring your needs are not just met but exceeded.

Join the Feedback Loop: Shape the Future of Athletic Wear

We’re on a pursuit to perfect athletic apparel, and your feedback is the driving force behind our innovation. Be a part of the SHBA MOVEMENT—wear our products, provide your insights, and watch as we transform them into the next wave of athletic wear excellence.

Invitation for Input: Your Role in Our Evolution

Our design process is an open conversation. Have thoughts on our latest collection or ideas for future pieces? Reach out to us. Your feedback is crucial—it’s the foundation for each new iteration of our design. What’s on your mind? We’re here to listen and evolve.

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